7. April 2017 0

Many times, we are asked what the best time to travel to the Harz area is. During the winter and summer months many people go to the Harz region to seek relaxation. But that doesn´t mean that autumn and spring are not a good time to travel to the North German mountain range. On the contrary: If you are looking to spend a relaxed and quiet holiday, the off-season gives you a great opportunity to enjoy the beautiful nature peacefully. The Harz Mountains offers something for everyone throughout the whole year. Hiking, biking, skiing, tobogganing or water sports – every season offers the right activity for families and children.

Winter holidays in the Harz Mountains – skiing and tobogganing fun

Winter is the best time for skiing holidays in the Harz Mountains. The moment meteorologists forecast the first snow in the Harz region, the number of guests rises steeply. In many places hosts are prepared for so many guests. The Harz ski runs are being groomed. You find ice rinks in many places where young and old ice skaters are welcome to skate around and enjoy the lovely winter air. Families with children usually go to the toboggan runs. For those who’d like to take it slow this year why not go on a long stroll through the winter wonderland.

Early spring days in the Harz region

In the Harz region it usually takes a bit longer for spring to come around. More nature starts to bloom and blossom when the last bits of snow melt. For the ones who would like to relax and rest after a long winter they should travel to the Harz area during spring to catch the first rays of sunshine and experience nature´s early spring days with all their senses.

Autumn sun and enchanting blaze of colours – the best time of the year to go hiking in the Harz Mountains

Autumn is, especially for hiking holidays, a popular time to travel to the Harz area. It belongs to a touristic region in Germany which has a long tradition. Poet Johan Wolfgang von Goethe hiked up the mountain Brocken and wrote about his deep impressions in his work. In those days hiking in the Harz Mountains posed certain dangers. Now the hiking trails are safe but still offer a lot of adventure. If you don´t feel like walking, then take a bike to explore the region. For an even more adventurous time you should go rafting or even paragliding.

Hikers, romantics and adventurer enjoy the Harz area the most in October. Once the leaves turn red, brown and golden, the region becomes quieter. Nonetheless, many tourists choose to travel to the Harz area purposely. The conditions for long hikes or bike tours are ideal in September and October.

The autumn sun makes the mountain sides sparkle in a beautiful blaze of colours. The now longer evenings invite you to have a romantic dinner or a lovely gathering with friends.

The best time to travel to the Harz region

As you can see, it is not easy to determine the best time for a holiday in the Harz region. Depending on your personal preferences, every season can be ideal for holidays in the Harz Mountains: winter sportspeople obviously go there in winter to go skiing, snowboarding and ice skating, hikers love to go there in autumn and in summer mountain bikers cruise through the forests. And for families with children the Harz region is the ideal place to go throughout the whole year. Therefore, we are not shy to say that the Harz area is worth traveling to no matter which season.

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